Tripuram Foundation Trust Community Education Program Services
In the 21st century when education has become the biggest distinctive factor, Tripuram Foundation Trust offers an edge to deprived and rural students through its activities.

Tripuram Foundation Trust encourages increased use of community resources and volunteers to augment the basic educational programs and Develop educational partnerships among schools, colleges, universities.

Tripuram Foundation Trust utilizes Government and Non-Governmental educational facilities and resources for meeting the education and creating jobs for all ages and varied sectors of the community.

Tripuram Foundation Trust evolves in to an environment that fosters lifelong learning. It also Establishes a process for involving the community in Community Generations Educational Planning(EGEP). That pays the way to decision making, by Providing a responsive, community-based system which lead to collective action.

The Ten Principles of Tripuram Foundation Trust Community Education Services :
- Lifelong Learning
- Self-determination
- Self-help
- Leadership Development
- Institutional Responsiveness
- Integrated Delivery of Services
- Localization
- Maximum use of Resources
- Inclusiveness
- Access to Public Information